WWII Immersive Day

6th June 2024
On the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, the Sampford Peverell Historical Society came in to help deliver a wonderful day all about World War II and the experiences evacuees had in Sampford Peverell. We learnt about how 91 evacuees were sent to Sampford Peverel from Edmonton in north London and then we found out exactly where some of these children stayed on a village tour - including some of our own houses! 
The Village Hall was all prepared with information boards including photographs comparing Edmonton and Sampford as well as video and audio from the actual time. The children watched the videos and analysed the photographs and wrote down their thoughts. The children were then matched up with one of the 91 evacuees. 
We were then treated to an additional event arranged by the Royal British Legion all about D-Day itself AND some invited guests who were evacuated themselves during the war. The children LOVED talking to people who experienced the evacuation personally and had lots of questions for them. 
We all then observed a two-minute silence outside the Memorial Hall to remember all those who gave their lives during Operation Overlord. 
Then Clive led us on a tour of the village - taking us to houses where our linked evacuees stayed. This information was so interesting - especially how the vicar was not allowed to move into his new house as it was turned into a hostel for the evacuees!
Then, to accompany the children's WWII style outfits, the children ate a traditional lunch from the period - including wrapping it in cloth or paper. 
In the afternoon session we went a little bit more indepth about the evacuees' stories in the village and we wrote an imagined letter home from Sampford to Edmonton - using evidence from the morning as well as the display boards. 
Finally we presented our findings to adults who came in and Zoe and Annabel learnt and sang a song inspired by an evacuee's story with Zoe accompanying on the piano. 
Many, many thanks to the Historical Society - especially Clive and Peter who came in to help deliver a wonderful learning experience for the children - and the Royal British Legion for their help.