Local Governing Body

  • Miss Sarah Price


    In 2005, I completed my Primary Teaching Degree in London and spent my first year teaching at a large primary school. After completing my NQT year, I moved to Devon and worked for 10 years at the same school - teaching across the whole primary age range. Prior to starting at Sampford Peverell C of E Primary School, I worked at a primary school in Exeter. Initially, as a Year 3/4 teacher and Unit Leader, then as a Year 6 teacher and Year 5/6 unit leader and finally as Deputy Head. Whilst there, I achieved my National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership and became a Specialist Leader in Education for English. I started at Sampford Peverell in September 2019 and achieved my National Professional Qualification in Headship in March 2022. I feel very privileged to be the Headteacher of this school as all the staff and governors are committed to school improvement and are passionate about enhancing the children's educational experiences.

    Designation /Appointed By: Headteacher, Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher
    Term of Office: September 2019 - ongoing
    Other Education Governance Posts: None
    Outside Business Interests: None
    Family relations among school staff: None

  • Mr Sheon Sturland

    Chair of Governors

    ‘I believe all children deserve to receive an outstanding education in a school that is part of their local community. Beyond numeracy and literacy, children also need to learn about healthy lifestyles, building social relationships and social responsibility, critical thinking and developing their creative talents to ensure they have the tools to achieve their aspirations regardless of background. This learning needs to be in an environment where children feel safe and parents can trust it is safe. I hope that I can help make Sampford Peverell Primary School somewhere that can achieve all those goals, for the children, parents and the community.’

    Designation /Appointed By: Community Governor
    Term of Office: September 2019 - September 2027
    LGB Responsibilities: Safeguarding
    Other Education Governance Posts: none
    Outside Business Interests: none
    Family relations among school staff:none

  • Mr Kevin Snow

    Staff Governor

    I have been teaching since 2001 in a wide variety of schools both in the United Kingdom and abroad. I love teaching and it is the profession I wanted to be in from the age of 11 and will hopefully continue to be for many more years in the future.

    I studied a 4 year Bachelor of Education degree in Bath and continued to work there in a large village primary for the following 3 years. I then decided to be a little adventurous and moved to Dubai in 2004 to help open a brand new school called Kings Dubai. Whilst there I met my wife who was also teaching in the school. We then moved Thailand and then the equally glamorous Yorkshire (where my wife Cara is from). After getting married we moved back to the Bath area where I had a wonderful time teaching in a small village primary, similar to Sampford, for 3 years. As we now had a small family of 3, we decided to move back to Devon where I grew up so that we could be close to my parents and all the benefits that brings to family life. We have now been here since 2014 and our small family of 3 has become a larger family of 5.

    I chose to move to Sampford Peverell Primary School to strengthen my links with the village. I moved to the village in 2015 and I was of the opinion that if I were to put all of the effort a teacher has to put, into a school, it may as well benefit my own community. I joined the teaching staff in September 2016 and have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far and I look forward to all my children passing through this school to experience the wide and exciting curriculum which I can play a part in creating.

    Designation /Appointed By: Staff Governor, elected by staff
    Term of Office: November 2020 - November 2028
    Other Education Governance Posts: None
    Outside Business Interests: None
    Family relations among school staff: None

  • Mrs Susannah Hill

    Parent Governor

    Education encompasses so much and has a huge impact on our children in the earlier years of their lives. I believe that all children should have access to a safe and secure learning environment which inspires each individual to thrive. Every child should be given the opportunity to develop their numeracy and literacy skills, but also to find love for other disciplines and foster their own interests and talents. They need to be supported to develop emotionally and socially, learning to communicate effectively with the promotion of healthy lifestyle, mindset and mental well-being. As a qualified secondary teacher I understand the demands on the education system and the staff within it who work tirelessly to adapt to the needs of their students, providing a holistic education full of opportunities, and I aim to continue to contribute to this community as a parent governor.

    Designation /Appointed By: Parent Governor, elected by GB/board due to no election candidates.
    Term of Office: June 2023 - June 2027
    LGB Responsibilities: SEND
    Other Education Governance Posts: None
    Outside Business Interests: None
    Family relations among school staff: None

  • Mr Mark Arthurs

    Parent Governor

    I moved to Devon nearly 20 years ago and have settled in Sampford Peverell with my wife, children and trusty dog. Whilst I do not have a background in Education, I have a background in safeguarding and equality, which I hope will help bring variety in the skills across the board of governors. I aim to spend time working with the school to ensure that the children within Sampford Peverell are safe and enjoy their time in education. I believe that Sampford Peverell Primary school has an excellent teaching cohort and support staff, who help keep the school running well on a day to day basis. I look forward to representing fellow parents views on the board of Governors.

    Designation /Appointed By: Parent Governor, elected by GB/board due to no election candidates.
    Term of Office: June 2023 - June 2027
    Other Education Governance Posts: None
    Outside Business Interests: None
    Family relations among school staff: None

  • Mrs Vivienne Heeley

    Foundation Governor

    I studied English at Exeter University and went into teaching, first at a boys’ grammar school in Lincolnshire, and then at Blundell’s Prep School. I have been a governor at Blundell’s School and Cullompton Community College. As churchwarden at St John the Baptist Church and knowing there was vacancy for a Foundation Governor (church representative) here I have recently filled that post.

    Designation /Appointed By: Foundation Governor, elected by GB/board due to no election candidates.
    Term of Office: September 2024 - September 2028
    Other Education Governance Posts: None
    Outside Business Interests: None
    Family relations among school staff: None

  • Mr Ryan Jackson

    Parent Governor

    Designation /Appointed By: Parent Governor, elected by GB/board due to no election candidates.
    Term of Office: December 2024 - December 2028
    Other Education Governance Posts: None
    Outside Business Interests: None
    Family relations among school staff: None

To view how Governance within the Trust works, please click the link below