Registered Charity No: 1041125

Welcome to Sampford Peverell C of E Primary School Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA).

In its time, the PTFA has raised substantial amounts of money. Anyone who has been to the Summer Fete or school disco will know what an exciting addition to the school term these events bring. The funds raised are intended to provide “extras” which will benefit the children, often fun things to make learning more interesting and exciting, such as school trips and events, sports and play equipment.

Don’t forget, if you are a Parent, Teacher or part of the school community, then you are already a member, and there are many ways you can get involved with the PTFA from helping with stalls at one of our many fundraising events, to donating cakes or serving refreshments.

The PTFA committee meets on a regular basis to plan events and this is an opportunity for every parent to come along and put forward suggestions and ideas. The date for the meeting is advertised in the school newsletter and on the school noticeboard. If you think you can give some time please come along, you will be more than welcome.