Collective Worship
Collective worship is an important part of the day and is based upon the foundations and principles of the Church of England. It is a chance for us to come together and think about our school, the communities in which we live and our impact on the wider world.
We follow the structure of 'Gathering' 'Engaging' 'Responding' and 'Sending'
Gathering - A special atmosphere is created to show the children that this is a distinctive part of our school day. We light a candle and say "We light this candle to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world."
Engaging - We engage (‘get to grips with’) the big things and the little things in life.
Responding - Time is given for individual and group, reflection and thought, so that those attending can respond in a variety of ways.
Sending - Summarising the worship in a meaningful short message used to create an opportunity for those attending to implement the ideas covered and to conclude the worship
The act of collective worship is cross-curricular in content. It links with the aims of the school and relates to the social, moral, spiritual and cultural education of the children. Children bring to the worship information and ideas arising from their work within a range of curriculum areas.
Timetable of collective worship
Monday – Led by the headteacher and covers a range of topics: School Values, British Values, learning behaviours, citizenship and social and emotional development.
Tuesday – This worship shares information about Christian & other religious stories & festivals. It helps them to learn about similarities and differences between different faiths.
Open the Book also visit each month to share stories from the bible.
Wednesday – Class/KS2 covers a range of topics: School Values, British Values, learning behaviours, citizenship and social and emotional development.
Thursday – Singing worship is led by Mr Watson and the children learn songs for Harvest, Christingle, Remembrance, Easter and other school events.
Friday – Celebration worship is led by one of our teachers. The children are awarded Star of the Week/Golden Leaves and other achievements are celebrated.
Withdrawing Pupils from Collective Worship
As a Church of England school we hold great value in the power of collective worship and view it is time to help children discover their place in the world. We also feel that it provides an excellent opportunity for children to explore their own beliefs, gain an understanding of God and discover similarities and differences between Christianity and other religions. However, if you would like to withdraw your child totally or partially from collective worship, please contact Miss Price so that we can discuss the withdrawal and explore your concerns.