Welcome to Ash Class

Welcome to Ash's Website Page! We have a great group of children taught by Mr Snow and assisted by Mrs Dave (Monday - Thursday), Miss Hare (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays) Mr Bishop (Mondays) and Mr Curnow (Fridays). Mrs Dave also delivers art and PE sessions one afternoon a week.
In Ash Class, the children of Year 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to take risks with their learning. We aim to provide challenge and interest by linking our themes to real-life opportunities in all areas of the curriculum. We pride ourselves in the links we make in the community both locally and nationally and we do this by planning key events into our curriculum each year.
During their time in Year 5 and 6 the children get two fantastic opportunities to go on residentials:
London for the Year 5s where they visit Harry Potter Studios, a range of museums, eat out in a restaurant and then take in a West-end show!
Grenville - an adventure centre in Brixham - for the Year 6s where they take part in a full range of adventurous activities including: abseiling, climbing, high ropes, team building, orienteering, raft building, caving and canoeing!
Year 5 and 6 pupils also have opportunities for roles and responsibilities where they develop leadership and independence skills and model our six school values - Teamwork, Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Forgiveness and Courage.
We promote healthy bodies and healthy minds and the children are given the chance to take part in numerous sporting and physical events which stretch both body and minds.

Please read the following for key information about our class:

* At the start of every term, this web page will update with a few suggestions of what you can do at home to enrich the learning your child has been doing in school. 

* Our Class have PE once a week and we ask that your child come to school dressed in their P.E kit on this day.  The PE kit list is:

  • Black or blue Shorts
  • A royal blue round neck T-shirt
  • Trainers
  • Black or blue tracksuits for the colder months if required
In the interests of health and safety, no jewellery will be worn to school, except for earring stubs (one in each ear). Earrings must be removed for PE and hair tied back, away from the face.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information. If you have any questions, please contact sampford@ventrus.org.uk.